Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Life's Big Questions

There are probably any number of them, but two important ones are:

    Who am I?
    What am I supposed to be doing?

As Felicity Huffman suggested early this year:

"as people, our job is to become who we really are”
-- Golden Globe winner Felicity Huffman, Jan 16, 2006

The interesting thing about these two questions is that we never seem to answer them permanently; they keep cropping up. You answer them when you're young and trying to define yourself, then you have to answer them again later! Over and over...

Now that I've overcome the "technical difficulties" of posting I expect to be back in business here. An entire new computer setup will help, and I'm delighted to discover I can again reach the blogger log-in process, from which my laptop's firewall was "protecting" me.

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